| Character Couture - Daisy Duck |
Thursday, August 28, 2014 8:51:16 AM |
Hello everyone,
Welcome to part 2 of this new mini-series here on the blog, focussing on character wardrobes from the Disney Parks and Resorts around the world.
The Disney Characters are the best dressed celebrities in the world, with an outfit for literally any occasion! Today I wanted to share with you some of the sassy Daisy Duck's collection. Part 1 was for Minnie Mouse, which you can see here.
Let's start with California, where Daisy visits guests at the PCH Grill for breakfast, wearing her bright pink floral dress.
In Florida she becomes Madame Daisy Fortuna in her gorgeous fortune teller's outfit for Pete's Silly Sideshow at the Magic Kingdom.
At Disneyland Paris she greets guests every day at the Walt Disney Studios, dressed ready to pose for the cameras on the red carpet.
At Hong Kong Disneyland's Enchanted Garden, Daisy takes on a more humble role, with her cute apron tied around her, helping the chefs at this delightful restaurant.
With exquisite boutiques and a quaint harbour, Mediterranean Harbor at Tokyo DisneySea is a glamourous place to shop, giving Daisy the perfect opportunity to wear the latest fashions.
When you sail aboard Disney Cruise Line, be sure to check your itinerary with the ocean's most glamourous cruise director, Daisy Duck!
Which one is your favourite?
You can vote for the next character to feature in our Character Couture collection by clicking here, and voting on our forum!