
Kronk Pepikrankenitz

Disney Classics

Kronk was formerly the muscle, but definitely not the brains, behind the duo that attempted to dethrone Emperor Kuzco, instead turning him into a llama!
Kronk is easily led, dimwitted and all round not too bright, making him the perfect choice for a comical sidekick! He can speak squirrel (something which he learned at Junior Chipmunks), is an excellent cook, and enjoys exotic bird bingo.
Although he initially sided with Yzma, Kronk realised he couldn't kill Kuzco, and has since found a much better calling by counselling for the Junior Chipmunks, and being chef and head delivery boy of Mudka's Meat Hut.

Friends and Family

Yzma, Emperor Kuzco, Incan Palace Guards

Starring Roles

The Emperor's New Groove

Where to Find

Meeting Kronk

Kronk has not been seen in many years at the parks, sadly.
Where have you met KronkX
Walt Disney World
Disneyland Resort
Disneyland Paris
Tokyo Disney Resort
Hong Kong Disneyland
Shanghai Disney Resort
Disney Cruise Line
Rarity Resort You
Never Out Walt Disney World  
Never Out Disneyland  
Never Out Disneyland Paris  
Never Out Tokyo Disneyland  
Never Out Hong Kong Disneyland  
Unknown Shanghai  
Disney Cruise Line  
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