Non-Disney Characters

Abby CadabbyAbby Cadabby AgnesAgnes Alex the LionAlex the Lion Alton BearAlton Bear Andrea (LEGO Friends)Andrea (LEGO Friends) April O'NeilApril O'Neil Austin PowersAustin Powers Baby BopBaby Bop
Baby JagBaby Jag BarneyBarney Bart SimpsonBart Simpson BatmanBatman BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice Benny the SpacemanBenny the Spaceman Bert (Sesame Street)Bert (Sesame Street) Betty BoopBetty Boop
Betty LouBetty Lou Big Bad Wolf (DreamWorks)Big Bad Wolf (DreamWorks) Big BirdBig Bird BJBJ BombBomb Boots the MonkeyBoots the Monkey Boss BabyBoss Baby Branch The TrollBranch The Troll
Bugs BunnyBugs Bunny BumbleBumble BumblebeeBumblebee Calico Jade (LEGO)Calico Jade (LEGO) Captain Brickbeard (LEGO)Captain Brickbeard (LEGO) Captain Redbeard (LEGO)Captain Redbeard (LEGO) CarlosCarlos Cat WomanCat Woman
Charlie BrownCharlie Brown ChuckChuck Cindy LouCindy Lou Clarice (Reindeer)Clarice (Reindeer) Cookie MonsterCookie Monster Coral (SeaWorld)Coral (SeaWorld) Count von CountCount von Count Crazy Scientist (LEGO)Crazy Scientist (LEGO)
Curious GeorgeCurious George Daddy PigDaddy Pig Daffy DuckDaffy Duck Daphne BlakeDaphne Blake DiegoDiego DJ LlamaDJ Llama Doc BrownDoc Brown DonatelloDonatello
DonkeyDonkey DonnieDonnie Dora the ExplorerDora the Explorer Dorothy GaleDorothy Gale E.BE.B Earl the SquirrelEarl the Squirrel EdithEdith EeveeEevee
ElmoElmo Emma (LEGO Friends)Emma (LEGO Friends) EmmetEmmet ErnieErnie Everest (Abominable)Everest (Abominable) FievelFievel Fin the SharkFin the Shark FionaFiona
Fishes of Bikini BottomFishes of Bikini Bottom Flip (SeaWorld)Flip (SeaWorld) Foghorn LeghornFoghorn Leghorn Foot SoldiersFoot Soldiers Franklin ArmstrongFranklin Armstrong Fred JonesFred Jones Gabby (Gabby's Dollhouse)Gabby (Gabby's Dollhouse) General Mayhem (Sweet Mayhem)General Mayhem (Sweet Mayhem)
George PigGeorge Pig GingyGingy GloriaGloria GrannyGranny Green LanternGreen Lantern GroverGrover GruGru GuyGuy
Guy Diamond (Troll)Guy Diamond (Troll) Harley QuinnHarley Quinn Hello KittyHello Kitty HersheyHershey Homer SimpsonHomer Simpson Jack, the LEGO ExplorerJack, the LEGO Explorer Jackie (LEGO)Jackie (LEGO) Jay (LEGO Ninjago)Jay (LEGO Ninjago)
Jimmy NeutronJimmy Neutron Jolly RancherJolly Rancher Kai (LEGO Ninjago)Kai (LEGO Ninjago) King JulienKing Julien KissKiss KitKatKitKat Kitty SoftpawsKitty Softpaws KowalskiKowalski
Kris KringleKris Kringle Krusty the ClownKrusty the Clown Lance (LEGO Nexo Knight)Lance (LEGO Nexo Knight) LEGO FrankensteinLEGO Frankenstein LEGO Gingerbread ManLEGO Gingerbread Man LEGO Imperial SoldiersLEGO Imperial Soldiers LEGO JakeLEGO Jake LEGO JesterLEGO Jester
LEGO KingLEGO King LEGO Lord VampyreLEGO Lord Vampyre LEGO MaxLEGO Max LEGO Monster RockerLEGO Monster Rocker LEGO MummyLEGO Mummy LEGO Pirate PrincessLEGO Pirate Princess LEGO Plant Suit MonsterLEGO Plant Suit Monster LEGO Police OfficerLEGO Police Officer
LEGO SantaLEGO Santa LEGO ScarecrowLEGO Scarecrow LEGO Shark Suit GuyLEGO Shark Suit Guy LEGO Spider LadyLEGO Spider Lady LEGO Tiger Suit GirlLEGO Tiger Suit Girl LEGO Toy SoldierLEGO Toy Soldier LEGO WerewolfLEGO Werewolf LEGO WitchLEGO Witch
LEGO WizardLEGO Wizard LEGO Zombie CheerleaderLEGO Zombie Cheerleader LEGO Zombie PirateLEGO Zombie Pirate LeonardoLeonardo Linus van PeltLinus van Pelt Lisa SimpsonLisa Simpson Llyod (LEGO Ninjago)Llyod (LEGO Ninjago) Lola BunnyLola Bunny
Lou WhoLou Who Lucille BallLucille Ball Lucy van PeltLucy van Pelt Lucy WildeLucy Wilde Marge SimpsonMarge Simpson MargoMargo Marilyn MonroeMarilyn Monroe Martha May WhovierMartha May Whovier
Marvin the MartianMarvin the Martian Master Wu (LEGO Ninjago)Master Wu (LEGO Ninjago) Mayor Clayton (GKTW)Mayor Clayton (GKTW) Mayor MaywhoMayor Maywho MegatronMegatron Mia (LEGO Friends)Mia (LEGO Friends) MichelangeloMichelangelo Milk DudsMilk Duds
MinionsMinions MortMort Mr BunnyMr Bunny Ms Merry (GKTW)Ms Merry (GKTW) Mummy PigMummy Pig NutNut Nya (LEGO Ninjago)Nya (LEGO Ninjago) Olive OylOlive Oyl
Olivia (LEGO Friends)Olivia (LEGO Friends) Olli, The LEGO DragonOlli, The LEGO Dragon Optimus PrimeOptimus Prime Patrick StarPatrick Star Peppa PigPeppa Pig Peppermint PattiePeppermint Pattie Petunia PigPetunia Pig PhilPhil
PikachuPikachu Pink Beret BunniesPink Beret Bunnies PIXAL (LEGO Ninjago)PIXAL (LEGO Ninjago) Po (Kung Fu Panda)Po (Kung Fu Panda) PopeyePopeye Poppy the TrollPoppy the Troll Porky PigPorky Pig PrivatePrivate
Puck (SeaWorld)Puck (SeaWorld) Puss in BootsPuss in Boots RaphaelRaphael RedRed ReeseReese Rex DangervestRex Dangervest RicoRico Risky BusinessRisky Business
RoloRolo RositaRosita Rudolph the Red Nosed ReindeerRudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Sam I AmSam I Am Scooby DooScooby Doo ShaggyShaggy Shamu (SeaWorld)Shamu (SeaWorld) She-RaShe-Ra
Shivers, the SeaWorld Polar BearShivers, the SeaWorld Polar Bear ShrekShrek Sideshow BobSideshow Bob SkipperSkipper SnoopySnoopy Sonic the HedgehogSonic the Hedgehog Speedy GonzalesSpeedy Gonzales SpongeBob SquarePantsSpongeBob SquarePants
SquidwardSquidward Squirrel NuttySquirrel Nutty Stephanie (LEGO Friends)Stephanie (LEGO Friends) Super GirlSuper Girl Sydney (SeaWorld)Sydney (SeaWorld) SylvesterSylvester SyrupSyrup TazTaz
The Cat in the HatThe Cat in the Hat The FlashThe Flash The GrinchThe Grinch The JokerThe Joker The LoraxThe Lorax Things 1 & 2Things 1 & 2 Three Blind MiceThree Blind Mice TigressTigress
Topper the PenguinTopper the Penguin Tweety PieTweety Pie TwizzlerTwizzler Unicorn Suit Guy (LEGO)Unicorn Suit Guy (LEGO) UnikittyUnikitty Universal's Horror ClassicsUniversal's Horror Classics VectorVector Velma DinkleyVelma Dinkley
Whoville CitizensWhoville Citizens Wile E CoyoteWile E Coyote Willy WonkaWilly Wonka Winnie WoodpeckerWinnie Woodpecker Wonder WomanWonder Woman Woody WoodpeckerWoody Woodpecker WyldstyleWyldstyle Yosemite SamYosemite Sam
Yukon CorneliusYukon Cornelius Zane (LEGO Ninjago)Zane (LEGO Ninjago) ZoeZoe