Hello everyone,
During our most recent trip to the Disneyland Resort in August/September 2013, we witnessed the testing of a new concept of entertainment at The Golden Horseshoe in Frontierland.
It was a very hot late summer day, and we basically wanted to sit in the cool, and have ice cream.
Jon, Loren and I passed by The Golden Horseshoe in Frontierland, and looked at the menu. Noticing that they had some decent sundaes, we decided to head inside.
We saw a sign that indicated that there was something different going on in here today.
As we entered more fully, and discovered more signs, we found that there was actually a lot going on inside today! Apparently they were testing a new experience called 'Legends of Frontierland - An Interactive Experience'.
After looking at the menu again to be sure of what we wanted, we found a table on the upper level.
From here, it pretty much went downhill. Once we were properly inside, and I had time to gather my thoughts, it hit me how noisy and chaotic it was inside.
There was apparently a pianist, but we couldn't hear him. There apparently were other activities going on, but we couldn't figure out what exactly they were supposed to be doing.
There was a guy with some sort of megaphone constantly making loud announcements.
In fact, I couldn't tell you what any one person was supposed to be doing, besides causing a lot of noise.
There were children racing around all over the place, and and people just constantly moving around, while what seemed like making as much noise as possible.
There was even a stand that was selling extortionately priced fake moustaches!
Nearly every other time we have been to The Golden Horseshoe they either have Billy Hill and the Hill Billies or The Laughing Stock Company playing. Now, you have to understand, that both of these are musical comedy acts. So they both inevitably make noise anyway. And people laugh; it's only natural in such an environment. However, these shows are focussed. Everybody is sitting and looking at the same thing in one place - on the stage. Everybody laughs because there is something funny to laugh at.
This new concept of having different zones, in such a small, echoing space filled with noisy activities, just doesn't work. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's a complete disaster. I even told the Cast Member that who asked for our feedback.
At the end of the day, all I wanted was to sit in the shade, and eat my ice cream in peace.
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Dan. |