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Happy 111th Birthday Walt Disney!
DisneyDan  Wednesday, December 5, 2012 9:56:26 AM
Today is the 111th anniversary of the birth of one of the most influential men in history, Walter Elias Disney.
Throughout his life Walt Disney inspired people to follow their dreams, and aspire to be who they really want to be.
Walt knew all about dreams, for he had his own dreams, and even when the darkest times presented themselves, he never gave up.
Walt strived to be innovational, original and the best at what he did.
He not only changed the movie industry, but animation and the way we think about animation and movie making as an art. He inspired people to want to create; he inspired people to want to live their dreams, by using film and television in ways that no other had done before.
Walt of course had bigger dreams though, and proved that you can forever be a child at heart when at the age of 54, opened Disneyland in California.
Disneyland was Walt's dream of sharing magical family experiences, based on the fantastical worlds he had created through his films.
With the success of Disneyland, Walt dreamed even bigger, and the idea of a promising world and a better future was born. EPCOT was Walt's new dream.
Sadly, Walt never got to see his ultimate dream realised, but he proved to the world that you are never too old, for even at age 65 when he was planning "Disney World" (later renamed Walt Disney World in his honour).
Without Walt's visions and creativity, we would be living in a world less colourful, and less rich, for he inspired everyone to dream; even decades later, dreamers everywhere follow Walt's vision, and make theirs and others dreams come true.
Where ever Walt Disney is now, I know that he would be proud of an empire that spans all corners of the globe, and continues to bring endless joy to dreamers everywhere.
Happy 111th Birthday Mr Disney. We are forever in your debt.

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