Hello everyone,
Last weekend John Smith and Meeko joined Pocahontas in Disneyland's Critter Country for a special surprise greeting. It was really cool to all three of them together - a sight that rarely ever happens.
I wanted to share with you all some photos from our encounter with them. Enjoy!
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Hello everyone,
First of all I must apologise for the large gap between this post and the previous one in this series. We have had a huge amount of things happen in real life, and writing a large post like this unfortunately had to go on the back burner for a while. However, we are here now, and I am excited to finally present to you the third installment of our “Grand Circle Tour”, this time for Frontierland (and all its equivalents). In case you missed the previous parts, here they are again:
Part 1 - Main Street USA
Part 2 - Adventureland
In this edition I will be including Critter Country, Grizzly Gulch and Liberty Square at the various parks around the world. The reason for this is that they all share a common theme of the frontier and wilderness, and also because otherwise there would be nothing else to compare them to (for example, since there is only one Grizzly Gulch, that wouldn’t make for a very interesting article!).
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Hi all, Let us begin today's news in California, where apparently the Pooh meet 'n' greet area is being removed. At the moment it is unclear as to whether there is a replacement in the works, or if the Pooh characters are being permanently evicted. I guess we'll see in a few weeks, but it is strange that they didn't work on this when the whole land (Critter Country) was completely closed for several months earlier this year! California doesn't really need any less characters, and the Pooh friends are especially popular, so let's hope they return in a fab new location soon!  [ Read More... ] |
Hi all,
This weekend was the next in California’s Family Fun Weekends line-up – the much anticipated Character Fan Days. Our good friend Loren was there on Friday and this is what he had to say:
“Well, it was another warm January day at the Disneyland Resort, making it a great time for another Family Fun Weekend! This weekend - Character Fan Days.  [ Read More... ] |